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Christmas Scrapbooking! ASI #2
December 24, 2005

Allscrappyideas! your guide to all the exciting scrapbooking ideas, info, tips and techniques.


December 24,2005 Issue #3



I really wanted to give you a Christmas gift. But then...

Suddenly, it's Christmas. A season where we celebarte the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How are you going to preserve your Christmas memories?

The wave is gathering momentum, Digital Scrapbooking. Yes, Digital scrapbooking seriously advances, improves, develops, enhances and compliments, our scrapbooking techniques and at the same time making the craft: Scrapbooking, easier and more economical

In a very simple form , it allows you to create cheaper, easier, faster and even better memory books and the beauty of the whole thing is that you can even share your memories with friends, family or love ones with just a click.

Get yourself, a love one or family member a christmas gift by subscrisbing to so that you can start now to preserve your christmas memories with all the ease and comfort that digital scrapbooking offer.

This is what you will get for subscribing:

Free Computer Scrapbooking Mini-Course with 36+ FREE pages. You will find ind out just how easy it really is to start digital scrapbooking. Info where you get free scrapbooking software

Over over 1300 pages in 28+ categories to use as it pleases you.

Clean, professional layouts, many with a multi-layered look and feel.

Free Clip art,

and lots and lots of other freebies

You will get all this at just $42 Dollars a year. Get it while the offer lasts! ----------

It's a wonderful time of the year.

The "Buy-1-Get-1 Free" Is Back On!

That second site is TOTALLY free.

SBI! is not just a gift. It's a LIFE SKILL.

What better gift than the one that keeps on giving... and earning! And earn it does, long-term, evergrowing.

But the SBI! site for all the details...SBI

This if for those of you thinking of starting a scrapboking business. Scrapbooking is the single most popular category among hobbyists today, according to the latest research, scrapbooking business is now a $3 billion a year industry.

There are more than a dozen ways you can make a living in the scrapbooking business industry. Check out the scrapbooking business oportunities.

---------------- ---ARTICLES----- ----------------

Christmas scrapbooking holds a special place in our albums. So start your Christmas Scrapbooking.

Celebrate and preserve your Christmas memories with the help of some of these Christmas Scrapbooking Ideas an

Christmas is season that a lot of familly memories are made. The holiday period makes it possible for families to unite and celebrate the birth of our lord Jeseus Christ.

Use these Family Scrapbooking Ideas to turn your family memories into an instant classic by preserving your family memories using these family scrapbooking Ideas

Share your special Christmas recipe with family and friends using these recipe scrapbooking ideas. --------

Thank you for sharing some wonderful moments with us these past year.

According to Cesare Pavese, 'We do not remember days; we remember moments.'



As you are celebrating this wonderful season remember that, if you don't save your memories they may be lost forever!Memories are the easiest things to lose. Don't forget your memories - CELEBRATE THEM!

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